About Us
The Purvottar Institute for Persons with disabilities (PIPWD), affiliated to Gauhati University is only the premier institute in the entire North Eastern region for persons with disabilities for imparting the higher education in all the branches of the disabilities. It is located at Tetelia ( Near Somnath Temple) , Ghy-33 , Assam. This is an institute where normal courses along with the vocational training i.e. ( short time) is also provided to the students with the help of the private Organization NGO and with some other institute. This institute also arranges training for Terracotta, Bamboo Craft, screen playing and Yoga session for the teachers as well as for the students time to time every year. Every year the excursion for the students are also arranged mostly to the historical sites, which enriches them with the knowledge of Assam’s rich cultural heritage and resources. The students of the institute are also provided with the opportunity to explore the several places, cities of India which encourages them for becoming self-reliant